Farnetta, an ancient feud of Todi belonging to ‘Arnolfe lands’ has maintained over the centuries, the characteristics of a small rural village surrounded by woods of oaks, rare quality oak called ‘Quercus Frainetto’. It is from this tree species belonging to the family of with caducous, seems derives the name of the small village.
In Farnetta there are the following sports facilities:
- Football field (foto)
- Swimming pool (foto)
- Area equipped for children (foto)
Popular Festivals
In the 1960s of the 20th century began to celebrate Santa Rita (May 22). Every year the last week of May and before June celebrated Santa Rita, with a program of religious (procession and blessing of machinery and agricultural machinery, solemn eucharistic celebration) is a recreational program ("Taverna del Curato" with the famous "ciriole alla ternana" (nettle, races of briscola, dancing evenings and cultural events). For other information: http://www.prolocofarnetta.it